Wer sich an Jesus wendet, um seine Seele wieder mit Gott zu verbinden, der wird errettet. Der Austausch dessen, was Gott nicht entspricht, mit dem, was Gott entspricht, findet dann in der Liebe Gottes statt. Jesus schenkt uns somit sein ewiges Leben.
Hierzu kam er in unser irdisches Leben, das die Herkunft aus Gott nicht mehr repräsentierte, um es durch das göttliche Leben zu ersetzen, das denen gehört, die sich mit Gott seelisch in Liebe verbinden und somit den Bund mit Gott halten. Von dieser wunderbaren Errettung handelt dieser schöne moderne christliche Song. Die moderne christliche Musik eignet sich auch wunderbar zum Mitsingen und Eintauchen in den Geist derer, die zu Gott wollen. Das tut auch Dir gut.
Songtext von Hillsong Worship:
You were near though I was distant
Disillusioned I was lost and insecure
Still mercy fought for my attention
You were waiting at the door
Then I let You in
Trading your life for my offenses
For my redemption
You carried all the blame
breaking the curse of our condition
Perfection took our place
When only love could make a way
You gave Your life in a beautiful exchange
When only love could break these chains
You gave Your life in a beautiful exchange
My burden erased, my life forgiven
There is nothing that could take this love away
And my only desire, and my sole ambition
Is to love You just the same
Holy are You God, holy is Your name
With everything I’ve got my heart will sing
How I love You
Holy are You God
Holy is Your Name
With everything I’ve got
My heart will sing how I love You
Holy are You God
Holy is Your Name
With everything I’ve got
My heart will sing how I love You
Holy are You God (Holy Lord)
Holy is Your Name
With everything I’ve got
My heart will sing how I love You
holy are You God
Holy is Your Name
With everything I’ve got
My heart will sing how I love You
Holy are You God
Holy is Your Name
With everything I’ve got
My heart will sing how I love You